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Fun and interesting mid-century and antique table and bed linens often show up during my investigations. The prints are humorous, colorful and pretty. Modern copycats can’t come close! If there is handwork like embroidery or lace, it’s beautiful. I collect them, too. The mending and stain removal that is sometimes required is no big deal and anything with too much damage can be made into pillow covers and cloth napkins. I love using these things at home in my kitchen and bedroom, but there’s more . . . . . . . . . . .
Big pieces of fabric are also wonderful made into clothing and accessories. Trim can sometimes be added to other garments or a big piece of crocheted or tatted lace makes a beautiful dress or blouse. Can’t you just imagine this cloth made into a summer dress, skirt or blouse, maybe with a matching handbag? Can’t wait to use this cute tablecloth!
Potential vintage fashion treasures abound everywhere! Use your imagination and you never know what you may uncover . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .